Am I required to enter a 4 digit code every time I log in into my account?

Home Forums Security Am I required to enter a 4 digit code every time I log in into my account?

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  • #672
    Cyril Flerov

    Yes. 2 Factor Authentication [2FA] is enforced in InterStar ICP for all account owners and users. Every time you log in into your account you will be sent a random 4 digit code by email that you must enter. it is a security feature and cannot be disabled.

    You can minimize the number of logins by clicking “Keep me logged in” in the login screen. However do not do it on public computers or computers that other people can access.

    Note: Event users, such as interpreters, technicians/chief interpreters, clients do not have to use 2FA but you can configure it if necessary per event in the event settings when you are setting up your event.

    In that case each participant in that event will receive an individual link and after that link is clicked the email with a 4 digit code to enter.

    See more information about configuring 2FA for specific events here:

    Enabling 2 factor authentication for a specific event

    These measures increase confidence that your account and data are secure.

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