Creating encryption key before your first event

Home Forums Security Creating encryption key before your first event

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  • #709
    Cyril Flerov

    After you create your account and before you set up your first event you must create your encryption key. The encryption key is used in order to encrypt chat information in your events.

    When you click “plus event” button to create your event for the first time, the system will prompt you to create an encryption key. Click “Create new encryption key” button and move your mouse cursor randomly all over the screen until you see a green “Save encryption key” button. Click the button and then click “Proceed”. then you will be able to create your first event.

    The same key is used for all events.

    By generating a new key you will replace the existing key and delete all past chat sessions. To generate a new key you must be login as an account administrator. Click the icon of a person in the top right-hand corner and go to “account” and then create a new key. It will delete all chats in your events.

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