In InterStar ICP it is either the active or the passive interpreter who can initiate handover. There are various ways to do it:
The active interpreter can initiate the handover by clicking “Please take over” button.
The passive interpreter can initiate the handover by clicking “I am ready for handover” button.
There are other ways to handover for example:
– by speaking to the active interpreter in InterStar ICP [listeners in the main event will not be able to hear it because it is a different audio system as long as you mute your microphone in the RSI event]. However in this case the active interpreter may have disabled the incoming audio from the boothmates in ICP and may not be able to hear you.
– by showing an object on your camera that will signal the handover
-by turning off your microphone. In InterStar ICP your microphone status is the icon in the top right-hand corner of the video thumbnail. If it is red your microphone is on, gray means your microphone is off.
You must always agree in advance before each event about how you plan to handover.