How are my data protected?

Home Forums Security How are my data protected?

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  • #949
    Cyril Flerov

    We use advanced encryption methods to encrypt your data on the server.

    2 factor authentication (2FA) is required for all users who log into the system, it cannot be disabled.

    We use strong passwords that are generated to access your event.

    You are always able to lock your event to prevent access even if somebody has a link. The lock function will work regardless whether the event is running or not.

    After your event, you are always able to delete all information about that event from our system.

    You can always change your encryption key to delete all chats for all events in your account.

    Whenever technically possible, the system always tries by default to use the direct audio/video connection [peer to peer, P2P connection] between your computers. For example if there are 2 interpreters in a booth and they do not use firewalls or anything that can impede a connection, the system will connect them directly with each other by default for audio and video bypassing the ICP server.

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