How to create a more secure event?

Home Forums Account and Event Management How to create a more secure event?

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  • #951
    Cyril Flerov

    In some environments/situations you may want to create an event that is more secure. You have the following options:

    1] enable 2 factor authentication (2FA) in your event. (As of August 3, 2024 that function needs additional work but it will be implemented fully in September 2024)

    2FA means that each participant needs to receive an individual link instead of for example one link being used by the entire interpretation team. Those links need to be sent individually to the emails of the participants.

    2] after your event is created lock it by clicking “Lock event” button in the event settings. It means that nobody will be able to join the event even if they have a link. Before the event starts unlock the event. After everybody has joined lock the event back if necessary. Keep in mind that if the event is locked nobody is going to be able to join even if they have the correct link.

    3] selectively disable audio, video, chat. When you set up your event you will be able to selectively disable those functions. You can disable them in any combination. Please note that users will not be able to reenable those functions themselves. Only the account owner can do it by modifying the event settings.

    In the most secure configuration you can disable audio, video and chat, and users will only be able to use quick messages to communicate.

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