A headset is a very personal matter. However they should be comfortable and satisfy ISO requirements for simultaneous interpretation, in particular transmit audio in the range of 125 Hz-15,000 Hz. Most contemporary headsets can do it.
We usually recommend headsets reviewed and recommended by the International Association of Conference Interpreters [AIIC] here https://aiic.org/company/roster/companyRosterDetails.html?companyId=11786&companyRosterId=26
We do not recommend earbuds, Bluetooth headsets, anything that goes into your ear. Wireless headsets are also not recommended because the battery can deplete in the middle of your interpretation.
Noise cancellation headsets are of no advantage because you will be working in a quiet environment, and all the noise cancellation headset will do is to make your headset more “close” and it will be more difficult for you to monitor your own voice.