There are some standard situations in RSI that require standard responses/actions.
For example, an interpreter forgot to unmute the microphone. In that case you can send a preprogrammed message to the interpreter by clicking just 1 or 2 buttons instead of typing the message.
Those quick buttons are available to the interpreters and to the technician and to the client.
What buttons are available depends on the role in the event [interpreters, technicians, clients].
You can customize and create your own buttons as well as delete existing buttons as an account administrator.
Which means that the system becomes extremely flexible and you can set up your own messages as you like.
For example interpreters can:
-Ask for handover by clicking 1 button
-take over by clicking 1 button
-warn a fellow boothmate to unmute the microphone
and much more.
The quick buttons are constantly improved in our system.
Related topic: how to add quick messages