RSI systems require very specific and precise configurations for the event to go smoothly. Interpreters are too occupied with the interpretation, and clients may not be sufficiently knowledgeable about RSI systems.
That is why it is of paramount importance in events with remote simultaneous interpretation to have a dedicated technician/technical moderator.
It is a separate role from other participants in the meeting.
The technical moderator would:
-open the event and configure the interpretation function
-test interpreter audio
-test participant audio to make sure that interpreters are able to hear well. Interpreters have higher requirements for audio quality because they have to listen and speak at the same time. Audio that may seem “normal” to you may not be usable for the interpreters
-monitor the event at all times to make sure that everything is happening smoothly
-if necessary, explain how the interpretation function works to participants before the meeting starts
-troubleshoot in real time with interpreters and participants any issues that may come up for example poor audio quality, to interpreters speaking into the same channel, interpreters not switching language channels as needed
-troubleshoot any interpretation issues that participants may have by exchanging messages in the chat
Having a dedicated technical moderator in your event significantly increases chances for mission success. A knowledgeable technical moderator will make sure that your event runs smoothly