Because a lot of simultaneous interpretation are now online [remote simultaneous interpretation, RSI], it presents additional challenges. The best way to handle them would be to have a dedicated technician [different from your AV person] who will connect and configure interpreters, test participant audio, troubleshoot during the event, recommend best practices.
This is a job separate from interpretation, that is why in InterStar ICP we created a separate console/screen for the Technician.
The technician will be able to listen to the interpreters in InterStar ICP, chat with them, troubleshoot without having to interfere into the main RSI event. We continuously develop and upgrade the technician console [just like on the consoles] and add new capabilities.
More than one technician can be connected to the event in InterStar ICP. It will allow to support multiple events with multiple languages when each technician is responsible for a subset of languages. For example one technician is monitoring only English and French, the other technician is monitoring only German and Spanish.