Audio quality recommendations

Home Forums Best Practices Audio quality recommendations

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  • #428
    Cyril Flerov

    Interpreters have to listen and speak at the same time that is why audio quality is extremely important.

    -clients/speakers should be using dedicated USB headsets with microphones or USB tabletop microphones

    -RSI platforms should provide the best audio quality that should be configured before the event

    -It is highly recommended to have a dedicated RSI technician who will set up interpreters, test participant audio, troubleshoot during the event. InterStar ICP provides a dedicated console for the RSI technician. It is not recommended to assign your AV person to work on AV and RSI in the same time. It should be a dedicated task.

    -Encourage actively speaking participants to join the event at least 30 minutes before the event start time so that their video and audio could be tested.

    -If interpreters cannot hear, they cannot interpret. Interpreters are recommended to say “inaudible” every time cannot hear the speaker. That will flag to the technician that there are issues with audio quality.

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