Event actions

Home Forums Account and Event Management Event actions

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  • #639
    Cyril Flerov

    On the right side of the list of your events in the dashboard you will find a column called “actions”.

    You can perform the following actions on your event:

    -edit: edit the parameters of the event

    -invite: invite interpreters, technicians, clients to your event

    -moderate: enter the technician for the event [if you are in the Chrome browser]

    -join as interpreter [if you are in the Chrome browser]

    -cancel: disable event access links but keep it in your system. You can “uncancel” the event and keep the same links or change them if needed

    -delete: completely delete event and all its information. It cannot be recovered.

    -duplicate:make a copy of this event with for example a different day/time [important: new access links with different passwords will be generated for the duplicated event automatically].

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